Friday, August 14, 2009

Two weeks later

And my company still has not given me answer on the working from home proposal, in fact I have not spoken to anyone who actually has the authority to make the decision, not that I don't want to but I have not been invited :( I have however spent my time wisely and come up with a game plan that would allow me to be home, dh would go back to work and work on the business. Sure we'd still be living on little but we do that now anyway so it would only be a small switch up for us. Oh well, I guess I will continue to wait and find ways to squeeze the numbers. Is it time to start working on a winter garden? I'm going to have to buckle down and get one going. Oh and we've prayed about it for sometime now and finally decided that we will be homeschooling the kids this year. We're very excited, but boy do those small town folk frown upon such things . . . oh well. We've finally found a Church service we like and we will be joining that Church. We'd been looking at the different Churches around since the little one in town did not have a service that worked for us. My younger toddler is doing very well, he burn is 75% healed and we are working on the rest. We're still on calf watch but we're praying that we'll have a healthy calf and mama wondering the property soon.

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Nutmeg said...

WOW! So much going on (and unfortunately, so much NOT going on in some very important areas!)...glad to hear of your "return."

Tracy said...

You must be talking to the wrong folks because there are lots of people VERY supportive of homeschooling these days, and I hope you find friends in your area that are supportive. It's a great decision -- we know we are accountable to God how our kids turn out, and the more we can shape that, instead of letting someone else and their ideas have control over that, the better we are, and the closer the family is. You have my 100% support on homeschooling.

Very happy that you found a church you like! I hope it will be a real blessing for your family.

I sure wish you lived closer to me!