Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The miracle of life

Most people are excited when they can feel a baby kick but let me just say, it is just as exciting to feel a calf kick. We have been working with Buttercup and her baby kicks and it is amazing to feel the tiny hooves. She is getting very close, tonight we noticed that she seemed to be having some practice pushes. She certainly has developed nicely in the udder department in the last couple weeks. I am so excited, I can't hardly stand it. She stands so well for us in the stanchion, I believe she will make a terrific milker. But, I just love the calves with all their cute little features, we would love it to be a heifer. Both Buttercup and Eva have done tremendously with the daily training, I can't wait for little Eva to start milk cow training too :) I love babies (just in case you hadn't noticed, lol).

1 comment:

dp said...

How exciting! A newly born little one is always so precious. It sounds like you're giving your cows just what they need -- time and attention. It's amazing how much they will calm down as they get used to you. I hope she has a heifer and that you enjoy it a lot.

New Kentucky Homestead