Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Traffic stopping

Today was my appointment to see the doctor, she recently had a baby and I am shocked she is back to work already, but it's only 1 half day a week so it's not horrible by any means. Anyway, I got in the truck, as dh was taking me, and I noticed that there was a horrible knocking noise. Now I don't know if I've explained this to you or not but my daddy was a mechanic, that makes me very aware of car noises. My dh is very hard of hearing and generally oblivious of car noises as cars are nothing more than a means of getting from point A to B. As I was saying, the noise was really loud and he listened for a sec and suddenly he heard it. It was an awful worrisome sound so he stopped and checked the oil, it was low. We were already running late so he figured we'd pick some up over by the doctors office in the city.

I must have prayed the entire way there as the roads are not heavily trafficked between my house and the city and we don't own a cell phone. There isn't even a gas station or a payphone between here and there. We finally get into the city and pass the gas station and as we stopped at the light the truck stopped. There is construction on that road so no one could pass us :( The guy in the 18-wheeler behind us was very nice though :) DH tried and tried and couldn't get it re-started, doesn't help that the starter is also going out. We were on a slight incline so the truck kept rolling backwards, Dh asked me to steer while he pushed as traffic was starting to get really backed up behind us. I am always impressed by how freakishly strong my dh is :) I digress, he began pushing and the nice guy in the truck behind got out and helped him.

Safely in the construction cones the kids and I talked about cars and their different fluids. Dh walked to the gas station we had passed to get some oil. There was a nice breeze out today thankfully so it was not too bad when we had to wait a bit longer as the gas station didn't have any oil and DH had to walk a bit further to O'Rileys. He came back with 3 quarts of oil and the car took all of them gladly, he jumped in and attempted to get it started and within a few minutes the engine was started, though there was still some knocking. DH would have to go to Wal-mart a bit further up the highway to get more oil.

I finally got to the doctors office, now half an hour late and thankfully she was still there. It had been 2 months since I last saw her and I was grateful to the scale when it said I had only gained 1 pound :) We chatted for a bit and she listened to baby, who was very active at the time. I have another sono coming up next week as baby was breach at the last sono and I finally got my glucose test done along with my other bloodwork. All in all it was a good day. Please pray that the truck repairs will not be too expensive.

Now to the quick updates: Yesterday was a HUGE cattle auction not far from here and Dh took Notch, Pickle, Coffee and Patches. We were tired of the irritation and harassment of whomever has been calling the sheriff out, it has been a weekly issue for the past few weeks and sometimes we would hear from the sheriff a few times during the week. Even the sheriff's office was beginning to wonder who we pissed off. Anyway, the sale was a disaster and I remember now why I hate selling cattle there. Notch was injured prior to taking the stage and now will need to be tended (by them) for the next week in the hopes of getting her back on her feet. If they can get her back up then they will attempt to sell her next week, if not they will put her down and file a claim with their insurance to pay us for her. There was so much cattle there that the sale started at noon and dh didn't get home till midnight.

Today I was on facebook (my second home) and a friend posted a video that I initially was going to ignore but decided to watch anyway. Man did it speak to me, WOW!! I know now that it is not time to sell off all the cattle and that we will need to strengthen our resolve to make this farm sustainable and that we frankly have to want it more. With this new resolve we will proceed forward and continue to work on the beef herd that we have left. The reduced numbers should make it easier to take them through winter and the money from the sale will help get the hay we need to do that. Anyway, now you're all caught up, hope you are getting stocked up this winter promises to be brutal.

1 comment:

Lori said...

Brutal? Really? :((