Today we discovered just how much calves are like toddlers, if there's a way out; they'll find it. We went to sign up at the farmer's Co-op this morning and pick up a 2 weeks supply of range cubes, not to mention find out about getting on the propane route. Anyway, we get home with the propane guy only to find the older calf roaming the yard and panicing her mama and the others. Once they realised we were home, it made them even more stressed. Her mama tired everything to get her back in, including mooing very loudly (it was obvious she was going to be in trouble), she even tried to get out of the barn - thankfully she could not. She finally resurfaced back in the corral, STRESSS!!
Well we figured out that she go out via my soon to be garden patch so I left dh to fix the area and I went to pay for the propane. I also went looking for another watering trough. I picked him up so we could go check out the sale barn - a live auction that occurs in the community center on Saturday mornings when it's not too hot out (this is the last until July). It was great, I bought several framed pictures and a small set of china. The kids and I had our very own tea party :) Then we went to the other sale barn just outside town which is the livestock version and it was quite boring by comparison except that we got to meet a neighbor who offered to mow our lawn with his tractor while we are getting our riding mower looked at. Country neighbors rock :)
So we come home after all of that to find the new baby roaming the yard, thankfully she is not as timid, so I was able to get her back in the gate. Her mama was really mad though, partly because sammy aka dumb dog, kept chasing the baby which drives her crazy usually and she attacks him, and partly because she had no control to protect her baby. I totally got it!! Mr bull did not take kindly to her escape trick and is still holding a grudge :( He walked right up to her as she was resting later this evening and hit her in the gut with his head and horns, OUCH!! He seems to be taking the calves to task and instituting some kind of cow discipline, and both of their mamas are staying out of it. He may be young but he is assuming his role as herd sire very nicely. We'll see how well he performs his other duties later.
We have shut the barn doors better now and that should end our calf wandering days.
Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, The people whom He has chosen for His own inheritance. ~ Psalm 33:12
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Day 6 - The cows are awesome!!
We positively love the cows.(dh adds: except for Sammy who is learning the hard way to keep his distance.) The first day home was a little hectic but by the second day they were coming to get their range cubes :) The baby is so adorable and is friendly.
We are so pleased with our small town, the people have been wonderful. We were thankfully able to sort out our first day dilemas :) Now hopefully we can figure out the water softener instructions.
The children and I spent the morning harvesting grass seeds for our pasture, we hope to irradicate those pesky weeds the cows aka the girls don't like.
The riding mower is a work in progress, but we hope to get it running soon. The free tiller works, we'll be using it this week. These last tv free days have been heaven. I think we will not bother to get/bring one.
More to come soon . . .
We are so pleased with our small town, the people have been wonderful. We were thankfully able to sort out our first day dilemas :) Now hopefully we can figure out the water softener instructions.
The children and I spent the morning harvesting grass seeds for our pasture, we hope to irradicate those pesky weeds the cows aka the girls don't like.
The riding mower is a work in progress, but we hope to get it running soon. The free tiller works, we'll be using it this week. These last tv free days have been heaven. I think we will not bother to get/bring one.
More to come soon . . .
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Day 1: Irritation of small town living
Well I called to set up our electricity and guess what, I cannot get my current electric company to mave any faster than a snail to get me a reference letter so that I can avoid paying a deposit. UGH!! I was however finally able to convince the rather rude woman to fax me the application she insisted that I come in person to fill out for service. Oh and get this, they don't accept deposit via phone as they don't have that set up. In fact they don't even take Credit or debit cards in person, only cash, check or money order. WOW!!!
Phone serve is ridiculously expensive but that might have something to do with the fact that I haven't had to pay for it in years. The DSL service seems pricey too but I don't mind since they provide the local government and schools free access.
The Co-op guy was unfriendly since I wasn't calling with a specific question. I'm sorry, I thought, "could you tell me what it is you provide" was a question. But obviously he doesn't get that question very often.
Well, I am glad to have called since I found out that they are open on Saturday mornings and the are my livestock feed supplier and propane supply. I am curious to see what else I can order in bulk through them.
On the up side I did get my water softner ordered and it should be delivered by Friday. The Septic got pumped out and I got my auction items picked up. DH had to take the night off of work though, since I didn't properly prepare him for the size and quantity of some of the items. Oops, sorry. :(
Will have to keep pressing on and see how tomorrow goes.
Phone serve is ridiculously expensive but that might have something to do with the fact that I haven't had to pay for it in years. The DSL service seems pricey too but I don't mind since they provide the local government and schools free access.
The Co-op guy was unfriendly since I wasn't calling with a specific question. I'm sorry, I thought, "could you tell me what it is you provide" was a question. But obviously he doesn't get that question very often.
Well, I am glad to have called since I found out that they are open on Saturday mornings and the are my livestock feed supplier and propane supply. I am curious to see what else I can order in bulk through them.
On the up side I did get my water softner ordered and it should be delivered by Friday. The Septic got pumped out and I got my auction items picked up. DH had to take the night off of work though, since I didn't properly prepare him for the size and quantity of some of the items. Oops, sorry. :(
Will have to keep pressing on and see how tomorrow goes.
Monday, May 19, 2008
God has a sense of humor
I'm sure I've mentioned His profound sense of humor but in case I haven't, you know now :) I tried to work out the money and then He gently reminded me that He is in charge and we shall never want for anything. Thank you Jesus. The journey is finally about to begin.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
We couldn't resist
We went out to see the cows and they were so great. We decided to juggle some things and get both cows after all. Boy am I glad we did, the pregnant cow gave birth to a bouncing dun baby heifer 2 hours after we bought her mama. YAY!! we also confirmed that the other cow is once again pregnant. This gives us soon to be 5 cows for the price of 2. God works in mysterious ways. I told you He was funny. I guess I must have forgotten that He is in charge. Oh and did I mention that the people we bought them from are delivering at no extra charge. WOOHOO, now we don't have to buy a horse trailer and can borrow a friend's for the bull in 2 weeks. :)

Our new baby and her mama.

Our new baby and her mama.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Reality bites, UGH!!
I decided to start crunching number today, never a good idea when you're living out your dream btw. anyway, we decided to leave our savings intact and only spend the monies currently available - that trip to KFC is starting to haunt me :( So now I have to cut back on my plans and live in the reality. Which means I've got to save for the things I want, didn't I warn you it sucks.
So we'll be starting slower than I wanted, boooooooooooo. Looks like we'l get Lot, the bull, the pregnant heifer and a dozen chicks. We'll save and add to our FARMily (lol), after we sell the mobile home and can afford more.
The silver lining in all of this is that we are on track to close on Monday but you better keep those fingers and toes crossed and prayers flowing, just in case. :)
Oh yeah, and the lesson from all of this boys and girls is: crunch, crunch, crunch. Never let those number get away from you.
So we'll be starting slower than I wanted, boooooooooooo. Looks like we'l get Lot, the bull, the pregnant heifer and a dozen chicks. We'll save and add to our FARMily (lol), after we sell the mobile home and can afford more.
The silver lining in all of this is that we are on track to close on Monday but you better keep those fingers and toes crossed and prayers flowing, just in case. :)
Oh yeah, and the lesson from all of this boys and girls is: crunch, crunch, crunch. Never let those number get away from you.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
we are going to look at 1 cow, 1 pregnant cow, 1 heifer calf and a bull. All registered Dexter cows. :) We are also working on getting a livestock trailer to transport them as we don't have another way to get them to the farm. Pray the closing goes smoothly so we can pick up our cows.

cow and heifer calf

pregnant cow

cow and heifer calf
pregnant cow

And the verdict is . . .
We got he loan comittment papers this weekend!!!!! Thank you all for your prayers. :) Pray that closing will be uneventful next week, thanks.
Classic case of FEAR continued
I told you I'd be back :) Ok so as I mentioned the water results came in and oooooh Satan was really working my last nerve. So much doubt and despair he was trying to get me in, but I was standing firm and remembering to praise God. They told me the water was not drinkable and that it was just BAD, not fit for any use. They recommended, calling a few companies that could possibly help.
So I called the first name on the list "Culligan", knowing I have to make a decision that day I email the results to them for a educated speculation and the man said, "ma'am, a well this bad is a candidate for a full RO system". Being the city folk I am, I had not clue what RO meant, it's reverse osmosis. Anyway, he then goes on to tell me that it's $12,000, I just about died a little at that moment and I admit I was week and I was asking God why. why let me fall in love with the house if it is not HIS will for us.
I call my realtor a few minutes later o relay the news and get a long why well water is not good lecture, and he leaves to inform the seller of their usable well water status. a few minutes later 'Steve' aka culligan man, calls back. Turns out that even with 26 years of experience people do make mistakes :) He mis-read the report and while it is fit for livestock and ok for plants it probably would taste 'off' to humans and then there is the issue of the sulfates which have a laxative effect at numbers greater 250, this well has is greater than 1600. AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
I get 'Steve' out to the house for a free estimate and low and behold the water was not as bad, it is bad. The estimate to make it drinkable is $4600. Please pray the sellers will assist with this expense either; 1. pay for it, 2. lower the price by the cost of it, or 3. offer to split the cost. Thanks for the continued prayer.
So I called the first name on the list "Culligan", knowing I have to make a decision that day I email the results to them for a educated speculation and the man said, "ma'am, a well this bad is a candidate for a full RO system". Being the city folk I am, I had not clue what RO meant, it's reverse osmosis. Anyway, he then goes on to tell me that it's $12,000, I just about died a little at that moment and I admit I was week and I was asking God why. why let me fall in love with the house if it is not HIS will for us.
I call my realtor a few minutes later o relay the news and get a long why well water is not good lecture, and he leaves to inform the seller of their usable well water status. a few minutes later 'Steve' aka culligan man, calls back. Turns out that even with 26 years of experience people do make mistakes :) He mis-read the report and while it is fit for livestock and ok for plants it probably would taste 'off' to humans and then there is the issue of the sulfates which have a laxative effect at numbers greater 250, this well has is greater than 1600. AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
I get 'Steve' out to the house for a free estimate and low and behold the water was not as bad, it is bad. The estimate to make it drinkable is $4600. Please pray the sellers will assist with this expense either; 1. pay for it, 2. lower the price by the cost of it, or 3. offer to split the cost. Thanks for the continued prayer.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Classic case of FEAR
more to come got to run but the results are in and oh boy is satan trying to send us running and giving up our faith. be continued be continued
F - False
E - Evidence
A - Appearing
R - Real
The true meaning of FEAR. I spoke with the loan processor this morning and she says to me that there are repairs that were faxed over to my realtor and the other realtor that will need to be done prior to the closing. To say the least I started to panic, I had her fax me the list to say the least. The list was as follows:
Paint exterior where peeling on exterior window trim
Install pipe on water heater - We knew this would be needed
Install smoke detectors
Install crawl space vents
That's it. I couldn't help but laugh at myself for panicking. I must have forgotten this is in God's hands and He is taking care of it. This house and property was chosen by God for us and is His gift to us.
On a side note the water results will be in shortly and they will be calling to let us know :)
E - Evidence
A - Appearing
R - Real
The true meaning of FEAR. I spoke with the loan processor this morning and she says to me that there are repairs that were faxed over to my realtor and the other realtor that will need to be done prior to the closing. To say the least I started to panic, I had her fax me the list to say the least. The list was as follows:
Paint exterior where peeling on exterior window trim
Install pipe on water heater - We knew this would be needed
Install smoke detectors
Install crawl space vents
That's it. I couldn't help but laugh at myself for panicking. I must have forgotten this is in God's hands and He is taking care of it. This house and property was chosen by God for us and is His gift to us.
On a side note the water results will be in shortly and they will be calling to let us know :)
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Fear is that feeling that sucks all the joy out of living in the moment and enjoying the process. We have been on such a wild ride since the first day we saw this house and now we wait fearful that in the next day or so the bank and life will take it all away. To this I say, PRAISE GOD!!! He has blessed us every step of this process from finding this property, to working out a price we could afford, to getting the bond money and the collections paid and everything really. So I remind myself that the end of faith is the beginning of fear and the end of fear is the beginning of faith, I choose faith. This is a mere formality, I am praising Him for all His blessings. I'm going to work on enjoying the process. :)
So I call about the papers and can you believe she still hasn't received them yet!! It would have been faster for me to walk them over to her office :( So hopefully she will get them today in her 2pm mail delivery. I want to scream!!! Of course that could be due to the sleep deprivation I have going on but I choose to think that it is the frustration of these people who can't get their act together.
On a side note, with the exception of EE all of the kids are now sick and keeping me up at night :( I am not holding out much hope that we will be able to go on our trip. :( WWWWWWWAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I feel better now, not really but I'm working on it.
On a side note, with the exception of EE all of the kids are now sick and keeping me up at night :( I am not holding out much hope that we will be able to go on our trip. :( WWWWWWWAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I feel better now, not really but I'm working on it.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Nerve racking
Well, so much has happened since I last blogged, where do I begin. Well last week was filled with tests of all kinds: home inspection, termite inspection, well and septic, well water quality and bank appraiser.
To say the least we were all on the edge of our seats when just days before these were to begin the key mysteriously disappeared and no one could reach the sellers realtor. That worked out to be a blessing in disguise as it gave DH and I a chance to walk the whole property. Imagine our surprise to meet a snake *eek*. Which put me on a new quest to find out about snake removal services. More on that later, back to the tests.
After 4 days of calling around our realtor made contact and got a key, just in time too since the inspector was due the next morning. All in all he gave a great report, nothing so major that had to be done or the house would be unlivable in is professional opinion. In fact the electrical was the most he found and as a licensed electrical contractor he admitted it would cost in the ballpark of 1K to fix completely. I've since had 3 other contractors out to bid the job and they agree, it's about 4hours work tops :) YAY!!
The well and septic were to be inspected on Thursday but it turned out that or realtor misunderstood and it was already done on Tuesday - still waiting on the report :( i do know that they hired a well company since then to bring the well house wiring into compliance so they may be waiting for a re-inspection by the county. If they'd ever return a call we may find out.
The water sample went out on Wednesday and was received on Thursday by the testing lab, the results are expected mid week. *fingers and toes crossed* :)
While the well company was out, DH got a chance to ask them a few questions as they apparently have been servicing this well for many years. We found out that the well has not gone dry even during years when there were droughts, it pumps about 10 gallons a minute - the guy said even with 10 more kids we couldn't need more water than that :), the water is crystal clear and cold. He felt safe enough to drink it and did :)
The termite inspector found evidence of termite and have requested that the seller pay the estimated $950 to treat. :) I love those guys. They were really great with our daughter too, she is so friendly that she kept following them around. The one guy told DH that he was keeping himself ready to dive in front of her since he was sacred she'd fall. DH had already rounded her up and sent her up but it was nice to know that this stranger was wanting to protect our girl.
During this round of inspections we had the pleasure of meeting our nearest neighbor, he asked how many kids we've got and when I said 5 imagine my surprise when he uttered, "aw that's not so many." God love him, I just about thought I died and went to heaven. To say the least we love this town :)
Any who, so while DH was out getting another electrical estimate he ran into the bank appraiser. A very wonderful coincidence. He was really impressed with the house and raved the whole time about what a steal it was. I confirmed that he gave a glowing report with no recommendations for repairs :) I also discovered that the house was originally priced 50K higher than we're buying it for, crazy right!
Then I get a call from my banker (ie I called him to see if he heard anything) saying that there are some papers that weren't signed and 1 last debt unaccounted for :( We finally got the papers in the mail on Saturday and returned them promptly before mail pickup Saturday evening. I took care of the last debt on Friday and they said the receipt would be available on Monday - HA!! Collection agencies will hound you for money and take their sweet time to give proof you paid them, UGH!! I got it this morning instead :) The bank girl still hadn't gotten the signed papers as of this morning though :( She said she would expect to get them by 2 pm so will be following up in the morning.
So one she gets through with all of that we will have an official bank commitment hopefully within 48 hours or less preferably. Pray we know by Thursday as I am so anxious and we are going out of town on Friday. It would be the perfect Mother's Day gift and birthday present for DH :)
Oh yeah and as for our snake friend, I finally got a hold of the Kansas wildlife and parks department and he informed me that the area isn't known to have any poisonous snakes as those prefer the drier areas out way west, YAY :) and they've only just begun to come out with the changing weather 8( Well thems the breaks, we'll be investing in good rubber boots for the entire family just in case :)
That's all for now. Keep those prayers coming and fingers and toes crossed and we'll be posting the final news from the bank soon.
To say the least we were all on the edge of our seats when just days before these were to begin the key mysteriously disappeared and no one could reach the sellers realtor. That worked out to be a blessing in disguise as it gave DH and I a chance to walk the whole property. Imagine our surprise to meet a snake *eek*. Which put me on a new quest to find out about snake removal services. More on that later, back to the tests.
After 4 days of calling around our realtor made contact and got a key, just in time too since the inspector was due the next morning. All in all he gave a great report, nothing so major that had to be done or the house would be unlivable in is professional opinion. In fact the electrical was the most he found and as a licensed electrical contractor he admitted it would cost in the ballpark of 1K to fix completely. I've since had 3 other contractors out to bid the job and they agree, it's about 4hours work tops :) YAY!!
The well and septic were to be inspected on Thursday but it turned out that or realtor misunderstood and it was already done on Tuesday - still waiting on the report :( i do know that they hired a well company since then to bring the well house wiring into compliance so they may be waiting for a re-inspection by the county. If they'd ever return a call we may find out.
The water sample went out on Wednesday and was received on Thursday by the testing lab, the results are expected mid week. *fingers and toes crossed* :)
While the well company was out, DH got a chance to ask them a few questions as they apparently have been servicing this well for many years. We found out that the well has not gone dry even during years when there were droughts, it pumps about 10 gallons a minute - the guy said even with 10 more kids we couldn't need more water than that :), the water is crystal clear and cold. He felt safe enough to drink it and did :)
The termite inspector found evidence of termite and have requested that the seller pay the estimated $950 to treat. :) I love those guys. They were really great with our daughter too, she is so friendly that she kept following them around. The one guy told DH that he was keeping himself ready to dive in front of her since he was sacred she'd fall. DH had already rounded her up and sent her up but it was nice to know that this stranger was wanting to protect our girl.
During this round of inspections we had the pleasure of meeting our nearest neighbor, he asked how many kids we've got and when I said 5 imagine my surprise when he uttered, "aw that's not so many." God love him, I just about thought I died and went to heaven. To say the least we love this town :)
Any who, so while DH was out getting another electrical estimate he ran into the bank appraiser. A very wonderful coincidence. He was really impressed with the house and raved the whole time about what a steal it was. I confirmed that he gave a glowing report with no recommendations for repairs :) I also discovered that the house was originally priced 50K higher than we're buying it for, crazy right!
Then I get a call from my banker (ie I called him to see if he heard anything) saying that there are some papers that weren't signed and 1 last debt unaccounted for :( We finally got the papers in the mail on Saturday and returned them promptly before mail pickup Saturday evening. I took care of the last debt on Friday and they said the receipt would be available on Monday - HA!! Collection agencies will hound you for money and take their sweet time to give proof you paid them, UGH!! I got it this morning instead :) The bank girl still hadn't gotten the signed papers as of this morning though :( She said she would expect to get them by 2 pm so will be following up in the morning.
So one she gets through with all of that we will have an official bank commitment hopefully within 48 hours or less preferably. Pray we know by Thursday as I am so anxious and we are going out of town on Friday. It would be the perfect Mother's Day gift and birthday present for DH :)
Oh yeah and as for our snake friend, I finally got a hold of the Kansas wildlife and parks department and he informed me that the area isn't known to have any poisonous snakes as those prefer the drier areas out way west, YAY :) and they've only just begun to come out with the changing weather 8( Well thems the breaks, we'll be investing in good rubber boots for the entire family just in case :)
That's all for now. Keep those prayers coming and fingers and toes crossed and we'll be posting the final news from the bank soon.
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