Sunday, May 30, 2010

They're here!!! *GRAPHIC BIRTH PICS*

The piglets are here! YAY! A few hours ago AR went to check on mama and she still hadn't given birth, about 30 minutes after that when he went back she had delivered 2, he ran to get the camera and he went in to witness the miracle. It was a wonderful experience and he was mesmerized. He didn't want to miss a single second of it. She delivered 5 the 1st hour and 4 in the next. AR was thrilled to be there to assist when #7 was born in her bag and he got her out. He took some awesome pics and was able to capture one birth in 4 shots and 1 birth on video (he falls out of focus few times). Enjoy.


MolleenCarie said...

How exciting! (I saw your link from MOMYS)

Janelle said...

Thanks for passing by my blog :)

Anonymous said...

Oh they are absolutely adorable... though I am a sucker for all baby animals. Congrats on the arrivals! I hope they all thrive for you!

Steffmarin said...

Fantastic!! Wonderful picture taking!! Are they always born back-feet-first?