Thursday, September 11, 2008


I wanted to apologise for my recent bouts of silence, turns out if you ever want to get anything done then procrastination is not a good plan. :( Anyway, work has been crazy busy and my class schedule is rather hectic. The project management class is finally over (pray I get my B), YAY!!! but now we begin the statistics class :( Fortunately I think this lady actually knows her stuff :) I am something of a math snob having come from a strong math background (mom is a high school math teacher, dad's an engineer, grandpa was an accountant, granny worked for the census bureau - we like numbers is all I'm saying). Anyway the last guy was really not worth his salt and frankly I was demotivated from the start. Right now things are going well on the farm front, the home front and keep your fingers crossed a whole new adventure is about to begin. :)


Kansas Mom said...

Crossed fingers - and prayers!

Janelle said...

he got stood up again :( We'll see what happens I guess :(