Sunday, July 27, 2008


I hate flies, I don't think I said that loud enough, I HATE FLIES!!!!!!! The worse thing about Kansas in the summer is flies. When we lived at the mobile home it was just as bad, so it's not just the whole farm living thing. Tonight I decided to take them to task and I have put out the fly traps, in the house, barn and the general corral area. I am eager to see how many we can eliminate. The children are very excited about this and have been checking every five minutes the progress of the fly strips. I cannot imagine what it must be like to be a cow or pig and having to just deal with the swarms of flies. The minute we set any kind of feed out for the animals the flies are there, waiting for the crumbs. The pig panels look like they have black polka dots. Fortunately for the pigs the mud helps to keep the flies at bay. The cows aren't so lucky however and have to keep swatting them with their tails, or heads. (that is hard to explain, you'd have to see it) They don't have as much trouble out in the pasture though so that may explain why they rather sit in the shade of the wild sun flowers.


Debbie said...

You might try putting out clear baggies full of water. Tie them up somewhere so the light can get to them. They work pretty decently to keep the flies away. I've seen them used from the Texas hill country to northern Nebraska and my daughter-in-law from North Dakota uses them, so maybe they will help you.

jenny kaye said...

Ha! I read this and nearly fell off my chair laughing. I live in NC, and this year I've finally decided that there IS a fly season. We have several fly swatters located in different places in the house, just in case. I mean, we open the door and it's like they're waiting, stuck to the door, to come in and feed on my peaches...

Janelle said...

I'll have to give that a try for sure Debbie.

jk, I'm glad to hear that this is not a problem exclusive to Kansas, I was beginning to wonder if I needed to move :)

Thanks for your comments, hope you'll keep reading :)

Debbie said...

Let me know how it works for you.